Abortion in 2019

Currently, there has been a huge controversy regarding abortion laws in the United States in 2019. A lot of protests and marches have been occurring recently on both sides, defending abortion and fighting against it. One side argues that it is the woman's right and decision to decide whether or not to have an abortion.

This creates controversy because there is a big population of US citizens that claim it is morally wrong and it is considered murder. House Bill 314, also known as the Human Life Protection Act, was passed on April 2, 2019, which banned abortions at every stage of pregnancy. This bill also criminalizes doctors who take action as well, except for a medical emergency.

The bill affected many people in the US, women felt like they were being stripped away from a right they had. This matter is one we should all come together to try to fix. Hopefully, look into both sides and find a solution in which everyone is happy. Where women and couples are safe to act upon their own beliefs, as well as other families have the peace of mind about this matter. The United States has been a country where women have had to constantly fight for their rights and to make their voices heard. This is a clear representation of that and a call to action. Abortion was away a woman, who had been raped, could resolve the issue of having an unwanted baby. To many, this may seem horrific, yet to some, this is an act of self-care.


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